Tuesday, September 2, 2014


When you hear the greeting or farewell of “Peace,” you most commonly associate it with tie-dye, bell bottoms and the ‘60’s.  Well I’ve got something to tell you: Muslims were saying “peace” centuries before the hippies supposedly made it cool. For about 1400 years now, Muslims have used the phrase “Assalam Alaikum” which translates to “May peace and blessings be upon you.” These well wishes not only strengthen and unify the Muslim community, but they also bring about a sense of calm and security when we talk to one another.  See, there is more to the phrase than just wishing peace to the person you are greeting.

The Arab word “salam” literally means peace, but it’s full meaning is safety and protection from evil, harm and faults. When a Muslim utters this phrase, she is also ensuring that the person’s character and well-being will be protected by the greeter, even after they have parted ways.  It is sort of a promise that the person you are talking to will be guarded by you from being bad mouthed or the subject of gossip behind their backs. 

Saying Assalam Alaikum to your fellow Muslims is an important part of Islam.  It is obligatory to greet any Muslim you come across, because the act encompasses unity and kindness amongst the brothers and sisters of Islam; both of which are key components to our religion.  Wishing peace and blessings upon someone can strengthen relationships, and it can also soften any type of hostility between two people. I always find it really cool that no matter where I am in the world, when I come across another Muslim, the first thing out of either of our mouths is "Assalam Alaikum." :)

In a story of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), someone asked what the best part of Islam was.  Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) replied saying that feeding others and saying Salam to greet one another are the best parts of Islam.  The fact that a simple greeting is put on the same level as giving someone sustenance to live shows how important it is to treat others with kindness and to fulfill their necessities as you can.

So, you see, Muslims were Hipsters before Hippies were Hipsters. I'm a happy, proud Mipster wishing peace and blessings to each and every one of you. :) Next time you say Salam to another Muslim, think about what you are saying and the meaning behind it. Work towards trying your hardest to protect the character and dignity of the person to which you were greeting.


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