Thursday, August 28, 2014

Eat Like a Muslim!

What you’ve heard is true.  We can’t eat bacon. Nope, can’t have pepperoni either.  Negative on the gummy bears and marshmallows as well! This must be stressing you out, huh? Have a drink to relax—non-alcoholic of course!

These dietary restrictions might seem harsh or unreasonable (What’s the harm in gummy bears?!), but I promise there is a good reason behind it all.

In terms of the bacon, hot dogs, gummy bears and marshmallows, each contains an ingredient derived from pork.  The big pig. Eating pigs is forbidden in the Muslim faith because of its unclean meat.
“He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah . But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”—2:173
For the most part, it isn’t that difficult to find equitable alternatives to implement an Islamic diet.  There is turkey bacon, beef hot dogs and marshmallows made with vegetable gelatin.  Haribo makes gummy bears without pork gelatin! :)
Also, there are plenty of vegetable alternatives to meat products in general!  Some of my favorite brands include Morningstar Farms, Simply Organic and Boca.  Here is a more complete list.
You might have also heard of the term “Zabiha,” which is the Islamic equivalent to “Kosher.” For Jews, there is a certain cut of the meat that is allowed to be consumed, while other parts of the animal are forbidden. In Islam, there are certain guidelines to follow; from the health condition of the animal before slaughter to the tools used to the way the blood is drained post-partum.  First of all, the animal must be alive and healthy to be slaughtered (no roadkill or diseased animals).  The blade used to slit the throat must be very sharp for a quick, clean cut that causes the least amount of suffering for the animal. Another condition is that the slaughterer must be a “Person of the Book” (Christian, Muslim or Jew) to ensure the animal is killed under no other name but God.
These guidelines seem kind of hard to follow.  You never know who slaughtered the chickens sold at Walmart or Kroger, and there’s definitely no way to find out how it was killed.  What about a Big Mac.

Do we all have to become vegetarians?? Not necessarily.  More and more places around the nation are providing options for Muslims to get their Zabiha meat.  Just recently, I discovered that Target has a section in their frozen foods with “Certified Halal” foods, all permissible for Muslim consumption.  Check with your local grocers and international food markets to find out if they carry any Zabiha meat!
A great benefit to living in the South is the hunting community.  My good friend (who just happens to be a "Person of the Book") loves the deer season almost as much as she loves the football season (Go Cowboys!).  She makes an AMAZING deer steak! So if your city has no halal options, you could always check to see if your friends are up for a hunting trip and get your own meat.  :)
Keep your world colorful! :)

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