Wednesday, August 27, 2014


As Muslims, I believe that our first and most important job is to be kind to others.

What is kindness?

The dictionary defines kind as “of a good or benevolent nature or disposition as a person." If you want to know what kindness really is, look at the life of our dear Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This man’s life is the definition of kindness—he set the standard for us.

Just for a moment, let us forget about the fact that he is a prophet. Let us forget about the fact that he preached to others about the oneness of God.

Let us simply look at the way he dealt with people on an everyday basis. How he dealt with mundane matters. Muhammad (PBUH) reached out to everyone—both Muslims and non Muslims equally. He interacted with others with the best character and conduct. He never failed to greet another with a smile. Smiling is such a small gesture, and yet it is considered a form of charity in Islam. Why is that? Research shows that smiling is contagious and uplifts your mood and the mood of others. When you flash a smile across your face, your body releases “feel good” neurotransmitters such as dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. This as a result not only relaxes your body, but it can also lower you heart rate and blood pressure. SubhanAllah! So many benefits from one simple act that our religion encourages us to do. So when you smile at another person, they are sure to mirror your smile and reap from these benefits. :)  Pretty sweet, right?

Smiling truly is the universal language

 Muhammad (PBUH) always spoke gently to the young and was always sure to give special attention to children. Personally I see adults nowadays that don’t bother addressing a child unless it is from their own family. Muhammad (PBUH) always took time out of his day to make conversation with the children and ask them questions. It is the Sunnah to give importance to children; we have the power to impact the lives of children just by using nice words and taking an interest in their lives. A simple three minute conversation can go a long way.

“The best amongst you are those with brilliant character”

Our time in this world is so very limited. Interact with others with the best character and conduct. Impact the lives of others positively as best as you can in your ability. That is the key for your own happiness. There is so much we can learn from the life of Muhammad (PBUH), I mentioned only a few examples. Books have been written about the life of this man. I think it is amazing that 1400 years later, we still know the different hairstyles Muhammad (PBUH) adorned and the clothes he wore. We know what kinds of jokes he told and how he dealt with the people around him. The fact that such information is preserved from 1400 years ago indicates what a dynamic character he was. Muhammad (PBUH) inspires me. This is a figure whose lifestyle has impacted the lives of millions. It is true that actions speak louder than words. This post (and all future posts) are a reminder to myself firstly, then to others. There is so much about our teacher that I don’t know about, and I wish to learn. I am on a mission to study the life of Muhammad (PBUH) and learn from his life, and I am excited to share what I learn with you guys. 

Until next time. Stay real my peeps.

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