Sunday, August 24, 2014

Assalam Alaikum

I’m sure you are wondering what it means to tie your camel. Of course people just assume this blog is title as such because we are just a bunch of Muslims from the desert, travelling by camel to and from the bazaar. 
Truth is we were all born in America; Alanda and I are from the South, and Namra is repping from the West Coast (she calls a “cul de sac” a “court”…). I’m the only one who has ever actually ridden a camel, and I was doing touristy things at the time. Now Cam Cam is in fact from the Sinai, but he is travelling right now and will be joining us later in the week. For now, allow Namra to explain the meaning behind our blog name. 

“Trust in Allah, but tie your camel.”
                —Arabian proverb

The origins of this saying are essentially a condensed version of a hadeeth that depicts an encounter between Prophet Mohammed (Peace be Upon Him) and Anas (R). The man was questioning whether he should tie up his camel or just put trust in Allah that the camel would not run off on his own. The Prophet (PBUH) responded by saying to put trust in Allah, but also tie the camel.
These few words speak volumes. We must equip ourselves with the proper knowledge and the tools to get through life. This applies in any situation. An apple pie isn't going to bake itself no matter how hard we pray for it to happen.  We cannot live our whole lives doing nothing and expecting to be taken care of by God. Only after putting in our best efforts are to leave things in God’s hands. The goal of this blog is to equip ourselves and others with the correct knowledge and steps for action. Knowledge empowers us. Action drives us. Trust in Allah makes us successful.

Each week, we plan to provide educational, fun, and adventurous post that will reflect each of our own unique personalities. Each post's intended goal is to empower, educate, and bring awareness to the beauty of Islam, with a taste of entertainment and humor.  By trying to dispel some of the misconceptions of Islam, while doing so in a informal setting, we are truly tying our camel and putting our trust in God. :)

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