Monday, September 8, 2014

Hijabi Diaries: Top 10 Everyday Struggles of a Hijabi

It comes as no surprise that choosing to wear hijab is beautiful and a true blessing; however it also comes with its own surprises and struggles. Hijabi struggles range anywhere from pins, to hijabs, and even to the odd questions that are frequently asked. So in an effort to laugh, make light of, and to let our hair down..(in an halal setting of course)…I present to ya'll my top 10 everyday struggles of a hijabi.

(Photo courtesty of

1)Hijab pins
Regardless of how many hijabs you buy, and let me tell you..I have bought a lot, you can never manage to keep them all in one place. I have misplaced hijab pins everywhere. However, the best way to help with this problem is to invest in either a hijab pin cushion or box. While, a hijab pin box from Z & M Hijabs cost $3.00 US; a hijab pin cushion from Halimah Hijabs are priced between $4.99 CAD ($4.55 US) and $6.99 CAD ($6.37 US).  

2) Accidentally pricking yourself with a hijab pin
One of the most annoying struggles of wearing hijab, is consistently pricking yourself with your pins. Regardless of how well you master the art of putting on hijab, you will forever have to deal with the issue of unexpectedly pricking yourself with a pin.....

3)Snagging your hijabs
O the joys of putting on your brand new hijab, only to realize later, while your taking it off, that you have snagged it on the safety pin. That has to be one of the worst feelings ever for a hijabi. Luckily, this issue can be solved with a simple purchase of a no-snag pin or pinjab. You can actual inexpensively purchase no-snag pins on common websites such as Amazon or Ebay, while the pinjab (which is a magnetic snap pin) can be purchased from Imaan & Beauty. Pinjabs Pinjabs are about $5 or $6. Regardless of which one you chose, it will definitely help save you from snag-ache in the long run.

4)Hijabs, hijabs everywhere...and not a one to wear
Like with most hijabis, you can never have enough hijabs. And if you’re a hijab junkie like me, you may find yourself purchasing a new hijab almost monthly. However, regardless of the endless of amounts of hijabs you may own or come to will always struggle with the same issue of figuring out which hijab to wear with an outfit. Luckily there are plenty affordable and beautiful hijab websites such as: Cover33, Halimah Hijabs, Pearl Daisy, Z&M Hijabs,and Purple Silk (just to name a few) that are there to help with this hijab dilemma.

5) Limited hijab storage
While owning a collection of hijabs can be thrilling for a hijabi, the task of storing them can often cause a dilemma. Often rolling up your hijabs or folding as neatly and as small as possible…before placing them into your drawer or hijab storage containers can be a quick and space saving solution. 

(Photo courtesy of

6)Bad hijab days
Yes, believe it or not...hijabis have to deal with having bad hijab days. My bad hijab days often involved me looking like a disheveled chicken,lol....However, having awesome hijab days often makeup for the bad ones. And at least we can cover up bad hair days.

 (Photo courtesy of

7)Hijab bib
What is a hijab bib, you ask?....Hijab bib is an issue that often arises while a hijabi is trying to enjoy her meal. This often involves a hijabi accidentally dropping food all over her hijab. Henceforth her hijab now becomes a hijab bib.

8)Dealing with heat
This is especially true for those of us that live in naturally hot and humid places. But, wearing hijab all day long on a hot and humid day is the ultimate discomfort. Although, dealing with heat can become a task in itself, it especially becomes more difficult when you have to tolerate questions like: 

(Courtesy of

9)You’re Arab..Right? What country are you from? ….
I’m sure we’ve all been asked at least a once, maybe even a few times, what’s your ethnicity or where what country are you from… just because you wear hijab. Unfortunately, I don’t think these questions or assumptions will die out anytime soon..

10)The endless amounts of ridiculous questions
That’s right…we all deal with endless amounts of hilariously ridiculous questions that some people freely ask and assume about hijab. They range anywhere from: Are you bald underneath there? Do you use an umbrella when it rains? It’s just a scarf, right? Isn’t hijab oppressive? Do you have to wear it everywhere you go?....Although these questions can be quiet annoying….it’s also our duty as hijabis to educated and dispel those misconceptions regardless of how ridiculous some of the questions may be….

So there you have it!! Those are my top 10 everyday struggles of a hijabi. Insha’Allah you all enjoyed it and as always.. I leave ya’ll with Asalam Walaykuem and I hope y’all have a wonderful week.

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