Monday, September 1, 2014

So You're Forced to Wear Hijab?

(Courtesy of

Let’s face it, we now live in a society where wearing less clothing as possible is considered appealing.  On one hand, society upholds women who chose to expose their bodies. On the other hand, it misinterprets Muslim women who chose to cover. 

Often in the media,  Muslimahs are unfairly scrutinized. Muslimahs are constantly portrayed as either oppressed individuals, or we’re viewed as religious fanatics. Both of these depictions are completely incorrect. These misconceptions and unfair portrayals also fail to properly represent hijab, as well as the true purpose and feelings of women who chose to wear it. 

(Photo courtesy of

So you’re forced to wear hijab? The all-too-familiar question that most hijab wearing Muslimahs are frequently used to hearing and answering. However, for the majority of us, the decision to wear hijab was not forced upon us, but rather was a choice we chose on our own.

 For me, like many Muslimahs, reaching the decision to wear hijab was a difficult process. It takes a lot of  patience, prayer, fear of non supportive reactions, self-reflection, and plenty of courage. There is a transitional period some Muslimahs decide to take when it is too difficult to start wearing full hijab. This occurs when a Muslimah slowly transitions from wearing a turban to part-time hijab, and then ultimately full time hijab.

 Ultimately, one’s final decision to wear hijab is a very emotional and intimate one that; not only comes with great responsibility, but also from accepting and appreciating the wisdom of our Creator’s command. 

As always...I leave y'all with Assalam Walekum and may you all have wonderful week. ;-)

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