Tuesday, September 23, 2014


So the other day I was reading a buzzfeed article about how mad cool Mindy Kaling is, and I came across something Mindy said that stuck with me. “The advice I give to women is to support each other, not distract each other.” And this got me thinking—why don’t we support each other? Let’s be honest here, we criticize each other way more than we show our support. If someone doesn’t meet out standards, we judge them. We all do this. We judge each other for not being good enough, for not being up to par. We are criticize each other in the way we dress, do our hair (or hijabs!), in the manner we eat and the decisions we make. Oh, she’s trying to initiate a business? She’ll never be able to pull that off. Criticism, criticism, criticism. Why are we so quick to judge others?
Instead of criticizing, we should be encouraging.  We women are all bonded through our shared experiences. Empathize with one other. Although we are living in the progressive era, the system is still in favor of males. Just look at the male-female income disparity in the U.S. 

We definitely still have a long way to go. But we need to realize that in order to reach our goals, we must come together and support each other.
But let’s take a moment and celebrate what women have done! Females are amazing creatures and we have come so far. Don’t look for things that divide us. Find things that bring us together.  

"Brother" meaning both guys and gals go under the umbrella of "brother"

Honestly, if you want to be a decent human being, you just need to treat others the same way you want others to treat you. Treat others with respect and dignity. Judge them by the same lax standard you would judge yourself and your family with. No one is perfect, we are bound to slip in some way or another. But that’s okay, because that is what makes us human. The beauty of it is that we are able to build our character. If someone offends you in any way, be quick to forgive. Honestly, life is too short for petty nonsense. 

Islam encourages Muslims to support one another in all endeavors and to help in any way that is possible.  There are enough people out there who are more than happy to criticize what we do without us joining in on it.  We need to stick up for one another and do what we can to build a better community.
Just things that I’ve been thinking about lately. Have a great week everyone. :)

*On a side note, watch Emma Watson’s powerful speech about feminism if you haven't already! She is such an inspiration, love her<3*

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